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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Locally Grown Berry Farms

Q: What are the operating hours for berry picking?

A: Our berry picking hours are from 7 AM to 12 PM, ensuring you get the freshest blueberries during the coolest part of the day.


Q: Where is Locally Grown Berry Farms located?

A: We are located in the beautiful Ouachita Mountains in Royal, Arkansas, just minutes from Hot Springs.


Q: When is the best time to visit for blueberry picking?

A: The best time to pick blueberries is early in the morning, between 7 AM and 12 PM, to avoid the heat and get the freshest berries.


Q: What types of blueberries do you grow?

A: We grow several varieties of blueberries to provide a diverse and delicious selection for our visitors.


Q: When does the “you-pick-it” season start?

A: Our “you-pick-it” farm opens in Summer 2024. Stay tuned for specific dates on our Facebook page.


Q: Do I need to bring my own containers for picking?

A: We provide containers for picking, but we do suggest customers bring something to take them home in like a cooler or clean box. 


Q: Are there any entrance fees for picking blueberries?

A: There is no entrance fee. You only pay for the blueberries you pick.


Q: Can I bring my kids to the farm?

A: Absolutely! Our farm is family-friendly, and we encourage you to bring your children for a fun and educational experience. We require children 12 and under be accompanied by an adult at all times during your visit. 


Q: Do you sell blueberries at local Farmer’s Markets?

A: Yes, we attend local Farmer’s Markets from June to August. Follow us on Facebook to see which markets we’ll be at each week.


Q: Is there parking available at the farm?

A: Yes, we have ample parking available for our visitors.


Q: Can I buy pre-picked blueberries at the farm?

A: Yes, we offer pre-picked blueberries for sale if you prefer not to pick your own.


Q: How do I stay updated on farm events and picking schedules?

A: Follow us on Facebook at Locally Grown Berry Farms for the latest news, events, and updates on our picking schedules.


Q: What safety measures are in place at the farm?

A: We prioritize the safety of our visitors by maintaining clean and well-kept facilities. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the farm.


For more information and updates, please visit our website or follow us on Facebook. Come experience the charm of Locally Grown Berry Farms and enjoy the best blueberry picking near Hot Springs, Arkansas!

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